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St Patrick's Primary School, Cullyhanna

Primary 4 - Virtual Sports Week 2020

25th Jun 2020


What a phenomenal effort put in by EVERYONE in Primary 4 this week.  Although Sports Day couldn't take place in school this year, you all certainly made the most of it at home and looked to have more fun than ever.

It was fantastic to see how creative you all became with your 'Star Choice' and your 'Obstacle Courses' - your talents are endless.

There was a HUGE total of 3640 points from participants in our class.  Well done to everyone who took part.  The top 3 points scorers were as follows:

1st - Caitlin Brennan, Freya Muckian & Senan McCreesh

2nd - Ella Mackin

3rd - Jake Martin & Denver Rice

Check out everyone's videos and photographs below. 

Have a FANTASTIC summer & I look forward to seeing you all in September.

Miss Fanthorpe :)