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St Patrick's Primary School, Cullyhanna

P4 - Star Pupils - 19/06

19th Jun 2020

So we are almost there & have come to our last 'Star Pupils' for this unusual school year. 

A MASSIVE well done to each and every one of you who have been working so hard over the past couple of weeks.  Although I missed being in class with you all I loved receiving your messages and photos each week to show me the fantastic things you have been doing.

This week was a busy as ever for you all, with some of you taking on the challenge of saying 'On the Ning Nang Nong', which certainly wasn't easy - well done Alex & Kayden.

Jack and Emma have been busy in very different ways.  Emma visited her cousins and had a great time making a pizza, which she cooked in their stone oven.  She also made some delicious dessert - strawberries dipped in chocolate.  Whilst Emma was busy in the kitchen, Jack was busy outside helping his Granda with some paving work.

Freya made a beautiful bird to finish off our topic and also had a school trip this week.  She went to Spelga Dam with her family and got to walk the road which is usually submerged.  She really enjoyed learning about building roads and the different layers needed.

Ella M took a little break from school learning this week to learn a new skill - roller skating.  I hope the learning is going well and I'm delighted to see you are being so sensible and safe with all your padding and a helmet.  Have fun.

Kayden has been busy right throughout lockdown, you only have to look at his kitchen table to see how busy.  He is now really looking forward to the summer holidays.

Grace F has also been busy completing the weekly tasks and squeezing in some baking.

Eibhlin kindly sent me a beautiful drawing to say thank you, so I just had to share it - thank YOU so much Eibhlin.


Once again I want to extend a HUGE thank you to all the P4 parents and pupils for everything throughout this strange school year.  Next week we have our 'Virtual Sports Day' and I'll be expecting a BIG effort from Primary 4 so that we can show everyone how we are 'The Best'! ;)

Have a fantastic summer, stay safe & I look forward to seeing you all in September.