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St Patrick's Primary School, Cullyhanna

P4 - Star Pupils - 14/05

14th May 2020

This week we have had lots of outside activities from our Primary 4's & some FANTASTIC bird feeders.

Freya has been enjoying some time outside and gardening, as well as working on Mathletics.

Tommy has been camping in his back yard, completing his weekly tasks, building with lego & creating a colourful rainbow to show support for all the frontline workers.

Holly Q has been extremely busy building a bird house with her grandad, I'm sure there will be plenty of little visitors to it soon enough.

Denver has been busy at school work, but still found lots of time for two walks a day, it's great to see you keeping active.

Kayden got VERY creative when creating his bird feeders, I'm sure they didn't last too long, as they look tasty.

Caela was busy as always with her weekly activities & made a wonderful bird feeder, but she even found some time to relax - a very important thing to do to keep your mind and body healthy.

Ella M made a nightingale bird flyer & helped her little sister Grace make one too, all while revising her 2x tables.

Jake also got creative with recycled items & made a bird feeder.

There is no doubt with all those wonderful bird feeders that you will have lots of visitors to your garden over the coming weeks & there will be plenty for you to see when you come to do your bird watch next week.

Well done to all our P4's on their fantastic work, we LOVE seeing your photos/videos each week, as it is a great way to stay connected.