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St Patrick's Primary School, Cullyhanna

Friends of Cullyhanna Xmas Raffle

15th Dec 2020

The annual Friends of Cullyhanna raffle has been a huge success this year despite the challenging circumstances we all find ourselves in. A huge total of £3244.60 and 116.70 Euro was raised by the raffle. WOW!!!! This money will go towards some much needed resources such as new reading books and Maths resources and a touchscreen whiteboard for our P1 class. A huge thank you to our Parents' association for their organisation of the raffle which had over 50 prizes. A special thank you to Bernadine and Olivia in the office for all the counting of tickets and money and to Charlene and Mrs McKeown for facilitating the draw and presentation of prizes. A real school effort.

Congratulations to all our winners. Prizes can be collected before school closes on Friday.